Performance Analysis Dashboard in
Power BI


ABC insurance company requested performance analysis of their health plans over a six-month period.


Power BI, Microsoft SQL


To develop a visualization dashboard with insightful KPI metrics


  • To provide insights that can minimize losses from claims
  • To improve claims strategies
  • To provide clarity for business executives so they can make the best business decisions


  • Drug benefit has the highest number of claims (about 50%) of the total number of claims while Dental benefit contributed to about 16%. However, the largest amount paid was for Dental benefit (about 37%).
    This shows that Dental coverage is more expensive.

  • Majority of the claims were submitted via EDI method (about 61%). EDI submission method has shown to minimize disruptions of cash flow and ensure claims are processed more quickly and payment made faster.

  • There was a drastic drop in the Average amount paid for HSSA benefit between January and March which is not consistent with the rest of the plans


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